5 tips to dress in style

How to dress in style? We've rounded up our best tips to find your style and look stylish in any situation.
1. Know your style and lifestyle. Coco Chanel said that fashion may change, but style and elegance are timeless. If you don't follow all the styles, your style will become clearer. Let's also think about Marimekko director Kirsti Paakkanen's unique black-talking style.
To define your own style, think about the clothes you like to wear and make you look stylish and list the words that come to mind. You might also think about what types of celebrities you like and why. Or look at pictures you like in magazines or on Pinterest. However, while it's important to look back at your fashion idols, it's also important to look back at your life experiences, i.e. LIFE. You don't want to model a celebrity's style and clothes if it doesn't suit your lifestyle. Be true to yourself.
The mother-in-law who lives in Vantaa does not want to have as many cocktail dresses and Manolo Blahnik shoes as Carrie Bradshaw from the series A Single Life. What she admires most about Carrie's style is the bold, feminine dress and the colors that match her style.
2. Consider your body type. Is your body type A, Y, O, H or X? Looking better starts with knowing your body type. Instead of thinking about what parts of your body need to be changed or covered, allow yourself and your body to heal. Ask your husband for help and determine your body type with clear guidelines.
3. Bring out your best look with the right style of clothing. The saying "Explain what you can't cover" also applies to clothing. And why should we worry or hide? I prefer to focus on the positive. Fashionable clothing is not limited by dress size. People can improve their skills by wearing nice clothes that suit their body type.
4. Organize your closet to find the perfect cover for every aspect of your life. Now you know what style you like, what clothes suit your lifestyle, what body type you have and what clothes accentuate your best features. Although all these things are simple, many people still have problems with clothes. Even though my closet is full of clothes, I feel like I have nothing to wear. Can't see the forest from the trees? If you spend a lot of time thinking about your clothes, maybe you should reorganize your closet, so it doesn't fall apart in your closet? It's so good to tell the truth, isn't it?
5. Find your own color and use it with confidence. Why do Finns wear black clothes? What is the basis for the claim that black is effective in weight loss? Black is only good for 12% of Finns (near the eyes) and only for those with a winter color filter. In particular, using colors that enhance the eyes, hair and upper body skin can create a new and stylish look.
Here are some more style tips.
  1. Find your style and lifestyle.
  2. Find your body type.
  3. Enhance your favorite look with the right clothing style.
  4. Organize your closet so you can find the right cover for every situation.
  5. Find your own color and use it with confidence.

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